We all try to save money when stocking up for the future by buying meat and other perishables in bulk and placing them in our trusty freezers. Every now and then something goes wrong…THE FREEZER CRASHES!!
Maybe it’s a storm that knocks our power out temporarily, a breaker trips or even worse, the freezer takes a dive! Most times, we don’t even know something’s gone wrong until we go to get those steaks out and find that they are no longer frozen.
We at “CB”s Beef Jerky” have found an inexpensive solution to this problem!
It’s from Jensen Applied Sciences, the Freezer Minder.
This device monitors your freezer temperature 24/7 and notifies you when your freezer temperature rises above safe freezer settings. This will save you from having to throw away all the goods in your freezer which will save you A LOT of money!!
Click the button below for more information